- The chimney spouted out smoke. 烟冒出烟来。
- The chimney spouted smoke. 烟囱冒出烟来。
- Bits of smoke began to feather out from the chimney. 一缕一缕的烟开始从烟囱里飞散出来。
- The chimney was pouring out black smoke. 烟囱喷出黑烟。
- Puffs of dark smoke spurted out of the chimney. 烟囱冒出一团团的烟雾.
- Smoke curls slowly from the chimney. 烟从烟囱里冉冉升起。
- Standing tall on a wide stretch of land, the chimneys and cooling stacks took a break from belching out smoke and steam in the southeast of Beijing. 烟囱和冷却塔高高矗立在广阔的大地上,在北京的东南方向也暂时看不到烟雾的冒出了。
- The chimney exhales a thick smoke. 这个烟囱冒出一股浓烟。
- The chimney is almost choked up with soot. 烟囱几乎被烟垢堵住了。
- Smoke blossomed out from the chimney. 烟从烟囱里飘散出来。
- Dark smoke was rolling up from the chimney. 黑烟从烟囱里袅袅上升。
- The pipe burst and water spouted out. 管子破裂,水喷了出来。
- Wreaths of smoke rose from the chimney. 一圈圈的烟从烟囱冉冉升起。
- The chimney blew out a cloud of light smoke. 烟囱里冒出一股青烟。
- Sparks from the fire were flying up the chimney. 火星沿著烟囱向上飘。
- Water spouted out from the pipe. 水自管子涌出。
- A cloud of smoke emitted from the chimney. 一股烟从烟囱里喷出来。
- The water spouted out when the pipe was broken. 导管破了,水喷了出来。
- She is sweeping the soot off the chimney. 她正把烟筒里的黑灰扫掉。
- The chimney issues smoke from the fireplace. 壁炉的烟从烟囱冒出。